Richard's Journal

Havant Borough Council, Havant Borough Draft Core Strategy
E-mail to Jackie Batchelor, Comments on Housing and Tourism, Business in Havant and Hampshire
Warblington and Denvilles Residents' Association, Hayling Island
 Residents' Association



Havant Borough Council, Civic Centre Road, Havant Hampshire, PO9 2AX


BCC: Familiar-Spirit-Sylvie[AT]; corn.flakes[AT]; paul.fisher69[AT]


24th July 2009

Havant Borough Draft Core Strategy

Dear Jackie Batchelor,

Havant Borough Draft Core Strategy

Comments on Housing and Tourism

As we residents have been invited to comment on the Havant Borough Draft Core Strategy I am taking the opportunity to do so. I could do so in some detail, if I had the time, but will keep to two point that affect me, housing in my area and tourism; the first having a direct impact, the second being something to which I could contribute a great deal, if allowed to do so.

However, given that the day before sending this I read that the Council had gone into closed session to award contracts for some services to be privatised (, let alone past experience of what passes for democracy in Havant, it will be interesting to see how much of a sham this is as a consultation exercise; a great deal, is suspect.


According to the Draft Core Strategy (page 18), “Havant Town will be the focus to the east of the borough. At least 1400 new homes will be built, and there will be major business investment in existing and new knowledge based business.”

I understand that large numbers of houses are to be built between Denvilles and Emsworth, despite, as I recall, promises having been made by the Council not to build in that area, which is about “par for the course” for the “word” of Havant Borough Council.

Should such housing be built I would have thought it both obvious and imperative that a new junction on the A27 and a bridge over the railway for an extra access route to the area was imperative. This area already has insufficient access to the south of the railway for the people living here and passing through to the A27.


Havant Council is supposed to help develop and promote tourism for the Borough. I have been, still am, a significant free asset to the Borough but ignored, at best, by the Council.

Since writing the draft of my book, “Remembering Lorelei” (, I discovered that the Borough has another asset along the same lines, Sylvie Lucas and her discarnate husband Richard ( Sylvie became my editor and has since had a three page feature in a national magazine about Richard, her discarnate husband and her, through which she met another woman in a similar position.

As far as the story of Lorelei and I is concerned, Hayling Island figures prominently in it, though several other parts of Havant do as well as, including many residents of the Borough. Locations in the south where vents in the narrative took place include Portsmouth, Southsea, Chichester, etc., and the total number of people in the area who are involved exceeds a hundred.

There have been delays, though also progress towards actually publishing the manuscript, including a series of “coincidences” involving local people, on Hayling Island, Waterlooville (Sylvie and Richard Lucas) and West Leigh, as well as Portsmouth.

I have also been helped by a businesswoman, who I have to travel to see. For now it is probably best to say she is located on the periphery of the area covered by the South East of England Development Agency. All will be explained, partly in an extra chapter in the book, essentially “The Road to the Book”, and more fully on a similarly titled web site page.

I was invited to be part of Barbara Ford Hammond’s book, “Past Life Tourism” (, as was Sylvie Lucas. The businesswoman advising me turned up in Barbara’s book in a rather unusual way, though I was forewarned of that just before I travelled to Barbara’s house, in Newton Valence, Hampshire, for the regression. I was told that “Caroline was the Countess in the 1700s” – the first life to which I regressed we were at the Countess’s sixty-second birthday party in 1799.

Before I met Sylvie and Richard Lucas, I was advised, by high level business people, that my story was of considerable commercial value and worth at least a 10% increase on local tourism for the region, not just Havant; the addition of their story can do nothing but enhance that, give us a joint value.

I am well aware that, in certain quarters, it has been put about “his marbles are loose”; information leaks out, people retire, etc. That is not much of an excuse for passing up tens of millions of Pounds worth of business on behalf of the Borough.

As a member of the Scientific and Medical Network ( I have met many people in a far better position to judge, including Members and Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists ( Besides, I knowing something about psychology and mental health myself, for at least a couple of reasons.

There is also a significant precedent for such matters; at a Bosmere School Sports Day in the early 1990s I spoke to a fellow School Governor about my then developing experiences. She recalled having been “walled up” at the end of a previous lifetime, i.e. bricked up inside a wall while still alive, physically. That Governor, then also Councillor, was June Fulcher. The incident is recalled in a little more detail in the book manuscript.

Yet despite all of the above and Havant Council’s supposed commitment to tourism, I remain an undeveloped asset, with Sylvie in a similar position.

There are other thoughts and matters developing, which would be of benefit so certain institutions in the region, County, which derive from my “foot in two worlds” situation but I will leave that to other E-mails that I am due to write, as well as Blogs, web pages, generally, etc., with, as appropriate, links to this E-mail.

I will be expanding on this subject, as well as others, elsewhere, in various forms of presentation and fora. That will include the reasons behind the publication delay.

According to the Draft Core Strategy, as well as elsewhere, Havant Council is supposed to be committed to “support business growth”.

I have been able to obtain no support, either from Havant Council, Business Link Hampshire, or South East Hampshire Enterprise Agency and Hampshire County Council appears to a in a “fence sitting mode”; though I am able to obtain business support from the chamber of Commerce, of which I am a Member thanks to Bob Gumbrill, then Chief Executive,  overruling an attempt to block my application for Membership; similarly I can obtain assistance from “friends of the Chamber”, plus travelling to other organisations outside Hampshire.

In practice I have found Hampshire atrocious for small business and Havant worse.


I would be grateful if the Council recipients of this E-mail could confirm receipt by return, or soon thereafter (largely due to past experience of blocking of my E-mails); I do not need to trouble the others, hence not using the usual E-mail receipt request device.

I will endeavour to make a better job of the hyperlinks in the online version of this E-mail, along with any blogs in which I quote it. Apart from anything else it has a greater impact with the search engines.

Having had E-mails and other communications with Havant Council ignored, not fully dealt with, or improperly dealt with, including having E-mails blocked, I now publish all communications with the Council on the Internet. I adopted the same practice with Tiscali and related organisations when they caused me numerous problems, through their own incompetence. They are read at least several times each day, going by my Web Host’s statistics, even without me going on complaints for a to provide extra links.


Richard King

Richard King, BTech, MTech, CEng, MIMechE
Consultant Engineer
RLK Associates
Visiting University Lecturer in Engineering and Materials
Associate College Lecturer in Engineering Science and Materials

Member of East Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Healer, Psychic
Member of the Scientific and Medical Network

E-mail: richardking[AT]

Business Web Site:


Sylvie Lucas
Warblington and Denvilles Residents Association
Hayling Island Residents Association